Co-create to Learn
Boosting Employability and Entrepreneurship via Centres of Learning and Co-operative Creativity
According to Eurostat estimates, 20.448 million people in the EU-28 were unemployed in October 2016 (Greece – 23.4%, Spain – 19.2%, Cyprus – 12%). Youth unemployment rates appear to be much higher, following the economic crisis after the second quarter of 2008, reflecting the difficulties faced by young people in finding jobs, which is also related to the dis-engagement from education, the subsequent lack of employability skills, social exclusion, poverty and poor health. The European Commission has set key targets in its Europe 2020 strategy, related to employment, education and fight against social inclusion.
Two of the factors affecting youth unemployment are the mismatch between acquired and required skills and low self-employment and entrepreneurship rates. Investing in people is key to economic growth in the EU. One of the measures to address skills mismatches has been the strengthening of the links between education and labor market, involving companies and social partners in the development of curricula and training content and methods to ensure catching up with the changing needs of the economy. Many countries strive to provide more opportunities to young people, ranging from improving the quality of the early childhood education, supporting children at risk of exclusion, equipping teachers with appropriate education and training to work effectively with young people.
The B2ECLoC project aims to develop a “Learning and Co-Creativity Product Package” (L2CP) to:
Increase the hard and soft employability skills of children, i.e. soft skills related to team working, behavior, problem solving, etc.
Increase the hard skills on specific subject areas widely recognized as key skills in approaching the labor market, i.e. ICT, digital games, machine programming and service robots, etc.
Implement courses based on an innovative learning methodology and achieve higher self-motivation and engagement of children valuing several qualities like trust-building, significant degree of experimentalism, flexible organization of time and work, etc.
Offer validation and accreditation of learning outcomes by applying for becoming an accredited education package by education authorities in Cyprus and abroad.