Co-create to Learn

Boosting Employability and Entrepreneurship via Centres of Learning and Co-operative Creativity

In a society with high unemployment rates, especially among the youth, where it has been proven that skills acquired at school do not sufficiently match the skills required for employment, entrepreneurship and further social development, the B2ECLoC Project responds with the development of an innovative “Learning and Co-Creativity Product Package” (L2CP), implementing the investment in people which is recognized as key to economic growth in the EU. 

L2CP combines methodology, tools and implementation of a curriculum that focuses on developing 21st century skills that will boost the students’ confidence, engagement and motivation to learn, employability and social skills.

L2CP offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines the enhancement of digital skills (ICT, coding, robotics, games design, etc.) and social skills (critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, community, curiosity) through innovative learning methods based on non-formal education. The result will be a complete set of material and (hard/soft) specifications, including also a guide to teachers/trainers, that will help formal and non-formal education and training providers to run the curriculum successfully within local co-creativity centres.

The Learning and Co-Creativity Package will be developed within a period of two years, by a consortium of Cypriot companies and organisations (EUROCY Innovations, Filokalia NGO, Novatex Solutions and G.E. English Centre). 

The Project is funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, in the framework of the RESEARCH IN ENTERPRISES Call of the RESTART 2016 – 2020 Programme.

More details can be found at: